Supplying 6 Braille Typewriters to the 3 Blind Schools in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Blind Children in Korea learn to write Korean - but how?

Blind children learn to write Korean letters with Braille frames, stylus and paper. Proper written language is an essential step in the “Nothing About Us Without Us” movement.

The project to donate six little Braille typewriters was realized thanks to the financial support of the German Embassy in Pyongyang on the occasion of the visit of the former WFD-President, Mr. Markku Jokinen, in July 2010.

These light little typewriters “Jot a Dot” have six keys to type the six dots of Braille script: three with the left and three with the write hand.

WFD and WBU are closely cooperating worldwide. After establishing a successful dialogue between WFD and KFPD, the President of the WFD, Mr. Markku Jokinen, was very positive and confident of the future cooperation between WBU and KFPD.

Typing Braille has became an essential part of the cohesion between visually-impaired regional communities joining the Blind Association of Korea, established in 2014 and coordinated by the Korean Economic and Cultural Centre for Deaf and Blind (KECCDB) and KFPD.

With gratitude for the support from theKorean Federation for the Protection of the Disabled (KFPD) and the German Embassy in Pyongyang!

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